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Key Features
  • Preparation, storage, and presentation of the product in a single space.
  • Single rotation movement with long fork tools and other tools
  • Double circulating air flow with infrared cooking technology.
  • Programs that facilitate use and guarantee constant quality
  • CB Auto Cooking System that offers the best results in terms of flavour and texture.
  • With the patented CB Self-Cleaning Innovation, automatic washing of the cooking chamber and tools
Spits / Basket-grids - 7 Depth - 39”
Capacity - 77 lbs Height - 74”
Chickens capacity - 35 Voltage - 230V 3N~
No. Chambers - 1 Power (KW) - 13.7
Width - 42” Weight - 584 lbs
Long Fork Tool
Flat Cage Tool
Convex Cage Tool
Grid for Roast
Basket Grid
Clamps set for central tool
Herbs Can 5.5 lbs
Heat – Gauntlet
Hoods with labyrinth inox filters

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A nationwide distributor of premium food equipment products to a vast network of local independent dealers. The import division of CES Nationwide LLC.

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